Terms and Conditions of Use
DATA.UM.EDU.MO is an Open Data Application Programming Interface (API) Platform (the “Service”) provided by the University of Macau (“University”, “us“, “we“, or “our“) which is managed and supported by the Information and Communication Technology Office (ICTO). Your access to and use of the Service are conditioned on your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms and Conditions of Use (“Terms”). These Terms apply to all our students and staff who access or use the Service. In these Terms, “Data” means any data provided by the Service. The “Site” refers to all sites that have the URL suffix data.um.edu.mo.
2.1. The Data are provided by the Service on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. The Data are not intended to be relied upon. No statement, representation or warranty of any kind (whether express or implied) is given by the University in relation to the Data (including the accuracy, completeness, non-infringement, reliability, security, timeliness and appropriateness of the Data for use in any particular circumstances).
2.2. We shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, misstatements or misrepresentations (express or implied), concerning any Data.
2.3. We shall not have any liability, obligation or responsibility for any loss or damage related to the use of the Data.
2.4. We do not undertake to provide any updated version of the Data.
2.5. We reserve the right to revise or suspend the provision of the Data and the related API at any time without prior notice or liability, for any reason whatsoever.
2.6. You are allowed to browse, download, distribute, reproduce, hyperlink to, and print the Data for both commercial and non-commercial purposes on a free-of-charge basis.Excluded Uses of Content
You agree that you must never do any of the following under these Terms:3.1. Use the original Data provided by the University for any of the following, including but not limited to: selling (reselling the Data, charging to access the Data, charging to redistribute the Data, or charging for derivative works based on the Data), leasing, advertisements, promotions, offers, mass messages, or any other purpose other than to allow your end users to use the Data in your applications.
3.2. Include inappropriate content in your applications.
3.3. Use the Service, the Data, and any APIs provided on the platform for any illegal or unauthorized purposes.
3.4. Distribute the Data inaccurately.Developer Account and Permitted Access
4.1. You are responsible for protecting the password used to access the Service and any activities or operations under your account.
4.2. You agree not to disclose your account, password, API access key and token to any third party. You must notify us immediately upon becoming aware of any breach of security or unauthorized use of the access credentials.
4.3. You must not attempt to circumvent security, hack into, or otherwise interfere or disrupt with the proper working of the Service, Site and any server that supports the Service.
4.4. There are limits on your use of the APIs (e.g. limiting the number of API requests which you may make), in our sole discretion. You agree to, and will not attempt to circumvent, any technical limitations or security measures of the API.Open Source Software
Some of the software used in the Service is offered under an open source license. Open source software licenses constitute separate written agreements.Personal Data Transfer
6.1 The Service is powered by Microsoft Azure API Management and Microsoft OneDrive. By using the Service, you consent to the transfer, storage, and processing of your name and email address ("yourUserID@um.edu.mo") to and by Microsoft Azure, which may be located outside of Macau.
6.2 Microsoft Azure, as a cloud service provider located outside Macau, may implicitly recognize your affiliation with the University of Macau.
6.3 Your usage activity will be tracked and stored outside Macau exclusively for system account management and statistical purposes.End Users of Your Applications
You are responsible for providing all customer service and support to your end users of your applications relating to the Service. You shall require your end users to comply with applicable law, regulation, and these Terms.Termination
8.1. We shall terminate your access to our Service when you leave the University and will not assume any responsibility. The University reserves the right to approve or disapprove any request for an extension of the account in our sole discretion.
8.2. We may terminate or suspend your access to our Service immediately, without prior notice or liability, for any reason whatsoever, including but not limited to a breach of these Terms.
8.3. Upon termination, your right to use the Service will immediately cease.
8.4. All provisions of these Terms which by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity and limitations of liability.
8.5. The user shall undertake to delete, erase, destroy all data provided by the University within 30 days of leaving the University. The University reserves the right to approve or disapprove any request for an extension of the period of retention of the data provided in our sole discretion.If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version of these Terms and Conditions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
The University reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.
If there is any dispute, the University will retain the final decision.
DATA.UM.EDU.MO 是澳門大學(下稱「大學」或「我們」)提供的一個開放數據應用程式介面平台(下稱「服務」),主要由資訊及通訊科技部負責管理及支援。您訪問及使用此服務的條件是您接受並遵守使用條款及條件(「條款」)。這些條款適用於訪問或使用此服務的所有大學職員及學生。此條款中,「數據」是指此服務提供的任何數據,「網站」是指所有以 data.um.edu.mo 為網址後序的所有網站。
2.1. 此服務提供的數據是根據「現況」及「現有」為基礎。對於該等資料(包括其準確性、完整性、是否侵權、可靠性、安全性、適時性及任何情況下的適用性),大學概不作任何種類(不論明示或隱含的)的陳述、申述或保證;
2.2. 大學不會就該等資料的任何錯誤、遺漏、錯誤陳述或失實陳述(不論明示或隱含的)承擔任何法律責任;
2.3. 對於因使用資料而引致或所涉及的任何損失或損害,大學概不承擔任何法律責任、義務或責任;
2.4. 大學沒有承諾提供資料的任何最新版本;
2.5. 大學保留權利在任何情況可隨時修改或暫停提供資料及相關 API,並毋須事前通知或承擔責任;
2.6. 您可以以免費的方式瀏覽,下載,分發,複製,超鏈接及列印數據用於商業和非商業用途。排除條款
您必須遵守並不作出以下行為:3.1. 利用大學所提供的原始數據進行以下任何一項,包括但不限於:銷售 (轉售數據,收取數據使用費用,收取費用進行重新分配數據等)、租賃、廣告、促銷、優惠、群發郵件或允許除最終用戶在您的應用程式中使用數據以外的任何其他用途;
3.2. 在您的應用程式中包含不當內容;
3.3. 使用服務提供的數據或 API 進行任何非法或未經授權的用途;
3.4. 不準確地分發數據。開發者帳戶及使用規範
4.1. 您有責任保護用於訪問服務的密碼以及您帳戶下的任何活動或操作。
4.2. 您同意不向任何第三方透露您的帳戶、密碼、API 訪問密鑰及令牌。一旦發現任何違反安全或未經授權使用訪問憑證的情況,您必須立即通知我們。
4.3. 您不得企圖繞過安保,入侵或以其他方式干擾或影響服務,網站和支持服務的任何伺服器的正常運行。
4.4. 所提供的 API 的是有使用限制(例如限制您能作出 API 請求之次數)。您必須同意並且不試圖規避 API 的任何技術限制或安全措施。開源軟件
6.1 此服務由 Microsoft Azure API Management 及 Microsoft OneDrive 提供支援。使用本服務即表示您同意將您的姓名和電郵地址(例如 “yourUserID@um.edu.mo”)傳輸、儲存和處理至 Microsoft Azure,且該服務可能位於澳門以外的地區。
6.2 作為位於澳門以外的雲服務提供商,Microsoft Azure 可能會隱含地識別您與澳門大學的關聯。
6.3 您的使用活動將僅出於系統帳戶管理和統計目的在澳門以外的地區進行追蹤和儲存。您的應用程式使用者
8.1. 我們將在您離開大學時終止您對我們服務的使用,並且不承擔任何責任。大學保留自行決定批准或拒絕任何延期申請的權利。
8.2. 我們可能因任何原因立即終止或暫停您對我們服務的使用,恕不另行通知或承擔責任,包括但不限於違反條款。
8.3. 終止後,您使用本服務之權利將立即停止。
8.4. 條款本質上應保持終止的所有規定應終止,包括但不限於所有權條款,保修免責聲明,賠償責任和責任限制。
8.5. 用戶承諾在離開大學後之30天內刪除、移除及銷毀大學提供的所有數據。大學保留自行決定批准或拒絕任何延長數據保留期限申請的權利。如中文或英文之使用條款及條件之文義存在歧異,大學將以中文版本為準。