RC Hostel Bed Spaces 2018-12-04T16:05:37+08:00

API – RC Hostel Bed Spaces


The RC (Residential College) Hostel Bed Spaces includes a object described current information of bed spaces in residential college excluded PGH. No historical records, and BedName is pre-generated for the whole year ahead.

API Reference

RC Hostel Bed Spaces Data Dictionary

buildingCodestringYesBuilding code"buildingCode": "S9"
bedNamestringNoBed name, this is re-generated every year"bedName": "R"
bedNumberintNoBed number, e.g. 1 or 2"bedNumber":"1"
rcCodestringYesResidential college code"rcCode":"SPC"
forGenderstringNoIndicates the bed spaces is for male “M” or female “F”"forGender":"F"