Request 1
Suppose you want to obtain the list of courses offered in academic year 2024/2025. You initially pass parameter count to the endpoint and retrieve total number of pages.
Response 1 (truncated)
The first page with 100 objects is returned. To get the next 100 results, perform the same request, but set the page value to 2.
Request 2
To retrieve a specific page, you can make a request like this:
Response 2 (truncated)
Request 3
To retrieve 10 objects in each API call, you can make a request like this:
Response 3 (truncated)
Certain APIs contain millions of records that cannot be returned in a single response. Pagination separates the results into manageable pages in which the number of records displayed in each page is defined by the pagesize query parameter. This provides a means to move backwards and forwards through these pages.
To retrieve paginated results, you are required to pass the parameter count in the initial query. The response will contain _total_pages which gives the total number of pages of the result set. _total_pages and pagesize have this relationship: _total_pages = ceil(total_objects_num / pagesize).
The page parameter controls which page will be returned from the endpoint.
Given below are all the query parameters supported in our API service. If pagesize and page are not given in the query string, a maximum of the first 100 objects will be returned.