Courses 2018-12-04T15:44:42+08:00

API – Courses


The course object includes a list of sections. Each section contains two JSON Arrays of objects which describe about the arrangement of schedules and instructors.  The earliest course information traced back to academic year 1981/1982. Figure 1 illustrates the relationships among courses, sections, schedules and instructors.

Figure 1: Relationships among courses, sections, schedules and instructors

API Reference

Course Data Dictionary

The earliest course information traced back to academic year 1981/1982.

courseCodestringYesCourse code

There are two formats for course code:

  • Current course code
    • It is made up of 2 components, a 4-letter course prefix and a 4-digit course number
  • Course code used before 2018/2019 academic year
    • It is made up of 2 components, a 4-letter course prefix and a 3-digit course number
"courseCode": "EDPE101"
courseTitleEngstringNoEnglish course title"courseTitleEng": "WELLNESS AND SPORT PRACTICE"
couresTitleChistringNoChinese course title"courseTitleChi": "健康和運動鍛鍊"
offeringProgstringNoAbbreviation of course offering programme"offeringProg": "FED"
offeringProgLevelstringNoOffering programme level, valid values are: UG(undergraduate), PG(postgraduate)"offeringProgLevel": "UG"
offeringProgLevelDescriptstringNoDescription of offering programme level"offeringProgLevelDescript": "UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME"
semintegerYesSemester ID, values range from 1 to 5, which represent:

  • 1: First semester
  • 2: Second semester
  • 3: Summer term
  • 4: Fourth term, obsolete since 2008
  • 5: Fifth term, obsolete since 1985
"sem": 1
yearintegerYesThe academic year in which the course was offered, e.g. year 2017 represents academic year 2017/2018"year": 2017
unitsintegerNoCourse credit units"units": 1

Section Data Dictionary

sectionCodestringNoThe section ID"sectionCode": "007"
sectionTitleEngstringNoEnglish title of the section, if available"sectionTitleEng": "WELLNESS AND SPORT PRACTICE - BASKETBALL & BADMINTON"
sectionTitleChistringNoChinese title of the section, if available"sectionTitleChi": "健康和運動鍛鍊-籃球及羽毛球"
classForDetailsstringNoExtra information of the section, if applicable

"classForDetails": "Class for : - FLL

schedulesobject[]n/aSchedules of the sectionn/a
instructorsobject[]n/aInstructors of the sectionn/a

Schedule Data Dictionary

About the time and classroom arrangement of a course section. Schedule data is not available for courses offered before academic year 1988/1989. This field may not be returned if data is missing.

dayintegerNoDay of the week, values range from 1 to 7, which represent Monday to Sunday respectively."day": 2
componentTypestringNoL: Lecture, LA: Lab, T:Tutorial"componentType": "L"
timeFromstringNoSection begin time in 24-hour format hh:mm:ss"timeFrom": "15:00:00"
timeTostringNoSection end time in 24-hour format hh:mm:ss"timeTo": "16:45:00"
room1,room2,room3stringNoRoom ID, if available.

Most records use the following two types of room ID format:

  • “building code – room number”: Current campus, starting from 2014/15
  • “room number”: Old campus
"room1": "N8-G016"

"room1": "J321"

Instructor Data Dictionary

Data available starting from year 1990/1991. This field may not be returned if data is missing.

salutationstringNoSalutation of the instructor, possible values: Ms., Prof., Dr., Mr."salutation": "Mr."
namestringNoName of the instructor"name": "CHAN TAI MAN"