Quickstart 2024-04-26T14:51:54+08:00



This tutorial is a quick introduction to the new consume-an-API process, targeted at developers who are new to Open Data API. You are recommended to take the  following steps.

Step 1: Register

First of all, you have to apply for using this service. Simply go to ICTO Account Information Page and select “Open Data API Platform”, read the agreement and apply.

For more information, please refer to this document.

Step 2: Find the API

After you have a valid account, you can browse or search on the list of API. Click on them and see more details.

For more information, please refer to this document.

Step 3: Generate Keys

After you find an interesting API, you need to create an application and generate keys.

For more information, please refer to this document.

Step 4: Subscribe to API

After generate keys, you can go to API store to subscribe it to your application. We also provide documents for the data definitions and how to use the API.

For more information, please refer to this document.

Step 5: Use the API

After you subscribed the API, you can go to API Console and get the curl commands for you programming.

For more information, please refer to this document.