GET /service/academic/courses/all
Return all courses information fulfills the search criteria since UM established.
Resource URL
Resource Information
Response format | JSON |
Requires authorization? | Yes |
Rate limited? | Yes |
Parameter | Related Field | Required | Description | Type | Filter Type | Example |
course_code | courseCode | optional | ID representing this course | query | simple | COIS713 |
year | year | optional | The academic year in which the course was offered, e.g. year 2017 represents academic year 2017/2018 | query | simple | 2017 |
sem | sem | optional | Semester ID, values range from 1 to 5, which represent:
| query | simple | 1 |
Example Request
Example to retrieve all courses offered in academic year 2017/2018 and semester 1:
Example Response
Top 100 records will be returned.
{ "_embedded": [ { "_id": "5ab19324e7940a931a7a420d", "courseCode": "SUMR004", "sem": 1, "year": 2017, "sections": [ { "sectionCode": "001" }, { "sectionCode": "002" } ], "courseTitleEng": "INTERNSHIP - ALIBABA INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME", "courseTitleChi": "實習-阿里巴巴實習計劃" }, { "_id": "5ab19324e7940a931a7a3bc3", "courseCode": "MATB357", "sem": 1, "year": 2017, "sections": [ { "sectionCode": "001", "instructors": [ { "salutation": "Prof.", "name": "LIU ZHI" } ], "schedules": [ { "day": 1, "componentType": "L", "timeFrom": "16:00:00", "timeTo": "17:15:00", "room1": "E11-1040" }, { "day": 3, "componentType": "LA", "timeFrom": "12:00:00", "timeTo": "12:50:00", "room1": "E11-1036" }, { "day": 4, "componentType": "L", "timeFrom": "16:00:00", "timeTo": "17:15:00", "room1": "E11-1040" } ] } ], "courseTitleEng": "MATHEMATICAL MODELING", "courseTitleChi": "數學建模" }, { "_id": "5ab19324e7940a931a7a3bac", "courseCode": "VART111", "sem": 1, "year": 2017, "sections": [ { "sectionCode": "001", "instructors": [ { "name": "ZHANG KE " } ], "schedules": [ { "day": 2, "componentType": "L", "timeFrom": "14:30:00", "timeTo": "17:15:00", "room1": "E33-G031" } ] } ], "courseTitleEng": "CREATIVE GRAPHIC DESIGN", "courseTitleChi": "創意平面設計" }, { "_id": "5ab19324e7940a931a7a3b93", "courseCode": "ECEB111", "sem": 1, "year": 2017, "sections": [ { "sectionCode": "001", "instructors": [ { "salutation": "Prof.", "name": "WONG CHI KONG" } ], "schedules": [ { "day": 3, "componentType": "L", "timeFrom": "09:00:00", "timeTo": "10:45:00", "room1": "E22-4012" } ] } ], "courseTitleEng": "INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING", "courseTitleChi": "電機及電腦工程導論" }, --> Skipped data, too much data for displaying on web page { "_id": "5ab19323e7940a931a7a3367", "courseCode": "MATB312", "sem": 1, "year": 2017, "sections": [ { "sectionCode": "001", "instructors": [ { "salutation": "Prof.", "name": "LEONG IENG TAK" } ], "schedules": [ { "day": 2, "componentType": "L", "timeFrom": "11:30:00", "timeTo": "12:45:00", "room1": "E11-1035" }, { "day": 5, "componentType": "L", "timeFrom": "11:30:00", "timeTo": "12:45:00", "room1": "E11-1035" }, { "day": 1, "componentType": "LA", "timeFrom": "11:30:00", "timeTo": "12:20:00", "room1": "E11-1035" } ] } ], "courseTitleEng": "ELEMENTARY NUMBER THEORY", "courseTitleChi": "基礎數論" } ], "_returned": 100 }