Field Type Indexed Description Example
publishDate date Yes The date that the event is published, in UTC+8:00 "publishDate": "2018-03-27T10:57:11+08:00"
dateFrom date Yes The start date of the event, in UTC+8:00 (inclusive) "dateFrom": "2018-03-22T00:00:00+08:00"
dateTo date Yes The end date of the event, in UTC+8:00 (inclusive) "dateTo": "2018-03-22T00:00:00+08:00"
posterUrl string No The URL for download the poster, if available "posterUrl": ""
smartPoint boolean No Indicator for gaining Smart Point by participating in the events.

Smart Point (SP) is an incentive scheme that encourages UM students to participate in major activities in the University

"smartPoint": "true"
timeFrom date No
  • The start time of the event, in UTC+8:00, if available
  • Only the time string between “T” and “Z” is valid, which stands for HH:MM:SS.fff
"timeFrom": "1970-01-01T18:30:00+08:00"
timeTo date No
  • The end time of the event, in UTC+8:00, if available
  • Only the time string between “T” and “Z” is valid, which stands for HH:MM:SS.fff
"timeTo": "1970-01-01T22:00:00+08:00"
attachmentUrls string[] Yes The URL for downloading the attachment file of the event, if available "attachmentUrls" : [""]
recurringDaysOfWeek string No The days of week that the event recurs, express in number format:

  • 1: Monday
  • 2: Tuesday
  • 3: Wednesday
  • 4: Thursday
  • 5: Friday
  • 6: Saturday
  • 7: Sunday

e.g. “1” means that the event will occur every Monday within the date range (between “dateFrom” and “dateTo”)

"recurringDaysOfWeek" : [1]