Field | Type | Indexed | Description | Example |
publishDate | date | Yes | The date that the event is published, in UTC+8:00 | "publishDate": "2018-03-27T10:57:11+08:00" |
dateFrom | date | Yes | The start date of the event, in UTC+8:00 (inclusive) | "dateFrom": "2018-03-22T00:00:00+08:00" |
dateTo | date | Yes | The end date of the event, in UTC+8:00 (inclusive) | "dateTo": "2018-03-22T00:00:00+08:00" |
posterUrl | string | No | The URL for download the poster, if available | "posterUrl": "" |
smartPoint | boolean | No | Indicator for gaining Smart Point by participating in the events. Smart Point (SP) is an incentive scheme that encourages UM students to participate in major activities in the University |
"smartPoint": "true" |
timeFrom | date | No |
"timeFrom": "1970-01-01T18:30:00+08:00" |
timeTo | date | No |
"timeTo": "1970-01-01T22:00:00+08:00" |
attachmentUrls | string[] | Yes | The URL for downloading the attachment file of the event, if available | "attachmentUrls" : [""] |
recurringDaysOfWeek | string | No | The days of week that the event recurs, express in number format:
e.g. “1” means that the event will occur every Monday within the date range (between “dateFrom” and “dateTo”) |
"recurringDaysOfWeek" : [1] |