Field Type Indexed Description Example
day integer No Day of the week, values range from 1 to 7, which represent Monday to Sunday respectively. "day": 2
componentType string No L: Lecture, LA: Lab, T:Tutorial "componentType": "L"
timeFrom string No Section begin time in 24-hour format hh:mm:ss "timeFrom": "15:00:00"
timeTo string No Section end time in 24-hour format hh:mm:ss "timeTo": "16:45:00"
room1,room2,room3 string No Room ID, if available.

Most records use the following two types of room ID format:

  • “building code – room number”: Current campus, starting from 2014/15
  • “room number”: Old campus
"room1": "N8-G016"

"room1": "J321"