Code Status Description Solution
200 OK The request was successful. No action needed. The API is working as expected.
400 Bad Request The request was invalid or cannot be otherwise served. Check the request syntax and ensure all required parameters are included and correctly formatted.
401 Access Denied Missing or incorrect authentication credentials. Ensure that your authentication credentials (such as API keys) are correct and up-to-date. Verify that you have the necessary permissions to access the resource.
403 Quota Exceeded Out of call volume quota. You are exceeded the allowed number of API calls for your subscription within a given time period. Wait for the quota to reset.
404 Resource Not found Resource not found. Verify the URL and endpoint you are trying to access. Ensure that the resource exists and that you are using the correct path.
429 Too Many Requests Rate limit is exceeded. Wait for the rate limit to reset.
500 Internal Server Error The API service may be undergoing maintenance. Wait for some time and try again later. If the issue persists, contact the service administrator for further assistance.