Field Type Indexed Description Example
meterCode string Yes Meter ID "meterCode": "1A01_1"
recordDatetime date Yes Date time which the record is collected, in UTC+08:00 (inclusive) "recordDatetime": "2017-10-31T17:30:00.000Z"
readings object No Readings of this meter in different types of measurements. Please refer to the two tables below for more details. { "kwh": 10466491, "kvarh": 513261, "pf": 978, "freq": 5003, "i1": 593, "i2": 537, "i3": 482, "v1": 2302, "v2": 2304, "v3": 2310, "thd_i1": 576, "thd_i2": 556, "thd_i3": 461, "thd_v1": 2303, "thd_v2": 2302, "thd_v3": 2307 }
zoneCode string Yes Location of the meter "zoneCode": "E1-E2"